Post Archive: September, 2014

Are you creatively constipated?

At times, the ideas just don’t flow. The inspiration does not come and feeling stuck is the only thing you can relate to. Force becomes your creative process. And so it’s in times like these that we need to listen to the call of stopping. Of taking a step back. Of letting go. But when we’ve been ‘on’ for so…

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South of France – The ridiculousness of it.

I lived in Nice for a couple of years a few lifetimes back. I had wanted to go to Paris. I emailed my dear friend Natalie, who had lived in France to get some tips. She immediately replied – ‘Paris in summer? No. Go to Nice!’  So off I went, no visa, no job. Just a yearning heart for my…

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Being Single.

I said, ‘I’m excited to travel on my own for a bit, meet some new people, make some new friends.’ He replied, ‘New friends? You need more friends? I know people who say, Oh I’m going to stay with my friend in France. You say I’m going to stay with my friends in Europe. And you mean it. AND, look…

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