2013 – is it shaping up to be what you want?

So we’re half way through the year. How are those New Year resolutions and intentions coming along? Proud of your progress? Not so proud?

I’m in the middle of prepping for our ‘Fire it Up, Burn it Up’ workshop this weekend – see below for more details. It’s reminding me of the power we possess to attract the reality we want. The power of being aligned with your feelings and intentions. The power you possess to make life look the way you want it to look.

Heart fire

If I look back over the past 6 months, a good deal of my intentions have manifested into my reality. My business, my home, my spirituality – things feel like they’re on track. And I credit this enormously to Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map and the wisdom she has shared.

Danielle emphasises the necessity to tap into how you want to feel and then set intentions from there. Not the other way round.

‘Everything we do in life is governed by how we want to feel’

Danielle LaPorte

This resonates deeply for me as it’s our feelings that create our reality, it’s the vibrational force, the dance our energy systems do with the universe that draws to us what we desire.

Dancing fire

So at the beginning of the year I realised that for 2013 I’d love to feel Wisdom, Truth, Connection and Radiance in everything I do (Read my New Years blog post here – https://woodwardinstitute.wordpress.com/2013/01/05/2013-the-secret-to-doing-it-properly/). And so when creating an intention I check in with these feelings and make sure the intention is in alignment with one or all of my Core Desired Feelings.

And that’s the thing. With the intentions I set, such as – number of clients to reach, workshops, corporate gigs, holidays, possessions – when they are in alignment with my feelings the rate at which I manifest them is effortless. When I’m not in tune with my feelings the manifestation process becomes awkward and stilted. And I feel it.

Take for example: clients. I adore seeing clients and seeing clients is how I survive + thrive. So there are times when my focus is clients = $$$. When this happens, clients end up rearranging to another week, my intake of new clients will drop and the sessions take on a different energy.

When I realise my focus has shifted away from my Core Desired Feelings I then consciously move my attention back towards them. I remember my WHY and I revisit the feelings I feel when I’m in a space of Wisdom, Truth, Connections + Radiance and all of a sudden life starts to look different. It starts to instantly look better.

Manifesting is not an intellectual process, it does not come about by picturing what you want. While this helps – please don’t get me wrong, I LOVE a good vision board, I have quite a nice one myself – it is imperative that we understand that it is by living in the feeling of what we desire that ultimately attracts it to us.

So if you want more abundance – get inside it. Allow yourself to feel what it would be like to live in abundance.  By all means picture things as you would like them, but make sure you tune in and feel it in your body so you can experience the feeling of abundance. For me, when I tune in to an authentic feeling space I get an overwhelming sense of calm mixed with excitement (oxymoron yes, BUT), it’s not the sort of excitement that sends me reeling, it’s more the soft yet constant buzz of electricity. It’s delightful.

If you would like some help and inspiration in becoming the powerful manifestor you were born to be then join us this weekend at our ‘Fire it Up, Burn it Up’ workshop where we will be stoking your internal fires so you can live your wildest dreams.

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